We are very proud to share this lovely review from our student Natalie!
“I thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from studying the Counselling Skills course with New Challenge last year. Whilst completing the assignments there were lots of opportunities for self-reflection in my work and personal life, alongside the knowledge I gained about counselling skills, theories, diversity and ethics. I learned practical tips and techniques that I could immediately employ in my role at the time supporting students, as well as thinking about these in the context of personal relationships and my own challenges with mental health. Studying for the course also helped develop my critical thinking, creativity and analysis skills that I could really put into practice when researching and answering the assignment questions.
My tutor was always on hand to provide encouraging feedback and was really supportive with small accommodations or adjustments that I needed to complete the course. I appreciated the time he took to review and comment on each assignment; I would eagerly await each email as it was evident that he had taken the time to review what I’d written. He made me feel like he understood me, providing meaningful and valuable feedback to support and progress me further in each module.

Perhaps most importantly, completing the Counselling skills course and receiving the certification have been a key enabler in my professional journey. As well as being nominated for a Mayor of London ‘Progression in Learning’ award, I have now found my ideal job working as a Project Manager at a leading University focusing on staff and student mental health. Combining experience from all areas of my life, all my personal qualities, work experiences, and qualifications have come together; leading me to this change in career, where I feel so fulfilled and grateful to be supporting others with their Mental Health and Wellbeing.”
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